Home Sellers Tips

Linda Walters
February 25, 2021
February 26, 2021

TIPS for Sellers

Deciding to put your house on the real estate market means a change in mindset from what is your home to what is a product. To maximize your investment, you need to do things you might not realize or want. The most important consideration when preparing your home for sale is selecting the changes having the least cost with the most benefit.

Eight Easy Improvements

First impressions are extremely important to buyers. In order to make as many potential homebuyers interested and capitalize on the sale of your home, we recommend these projects.

1. Repaint

You may not notice if you have lived in your home for a fair amount of time, that the once bright and fresh paint often fades and needs touching up. Nicks and dents are inevitable. Repainting will rejuvenate your home and make it look vibrant and well taken care of. This is often the least expensive renovation with the most effect.

2. Replace the Front Door

One of the main reasons to replace your door is to improve the home’s overall energy efficiency, but this will also increase the overall curb appeal. Potential buyers will be drawn to your home for both reasons. They may even pay extra for this feature. Then invest in a quality container to hold a nice plant or grouping of flowers. This will likely be the best-spent money of all!

3. Finish the Basement

Many basements are unfinished, so if you have the resources, improve or remodel the area to add more living space to the whole home. If a major remodel or basement finishing project is not within reason for your situation, simply make the area clean, organized and as presentable as possible. A painted floor and a few pieces of furniture can help buyers imagine how the area might look once finished. Buyers may be attracted to the extra space available and even desire to complete a basement remodeling project themselves if eventually deciding to go purchase the home.

4. Improve the Kitchen

Remodeling projects can be expensive, but well worth it, as kitchen remodels often provide the greatest return on investment. If an entire kitchen remodel is not possible, try to update an appliance or two or add stone countertops in an easy area like the island to make the home more efficient and modern.

5. Freshen the Bathrooms

Similar to a kitchen remodel project, a bathroom refresh can provide a new and cleaner look. To update the bathroom on a smaller scale, simply replace the most outdated or worn items, such as the faucets, cabinet knobs, wallpaper and lights. Paint the cabinets and replace the hardware. Older mirrors can have frames installed to look custom.

6. Add an Outside Area

Outdoor living areas add real value to your home and can be improved or added at varying cost. Just pavers with a table and umbrella or even a full deck will usually return close to 100% on the sale of your home.

7. Get Rid of Extra Furniture

If you know you are moving to a smaller home, start now to downsize any furniture you will not need. Less is almost always better for showing your home. If it feels sparse to you, it will look better for buyers, who cannot always see past your things to imagine their own,

8. Remember Landscaping

A buyer’s perception of your home begins with its curb appeal. You have looked at your house over the years and perhaps not noticed that the shrubs have overgrown the walk or the windows or that the trees that need a good pruning. Take a fresh look.

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527 Lancaster Ave.
Wayne, PA 19087
Linda Walters
Associate Broker
PA license # AB069266